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First physical supply in Fujairah

By 13 Oct 2022January 12th, 2023No Comments

Following the announcement of our license to operate in Fujairah, we are pleased to have completed our first physical supply in the region.

This morning, the newly-built 8,000 DWT, 115m tanker, Hercules Star supplied a delivery of VLSFO to the bulk carrier, Evoikos Theo.

It is expected that Peninsula’s physical supply operation in the Port of Fujairah will be fully operational, with 2 barges, by mid-November.

Congratulations to our dynamic global team who have ensured the seamless and rapid establishment of our Fujairah physical supply business. Particular thanks go to our newly established commercial office in Dubai and our tireless fleet management team, ensuring that we are operational in record time. Well done Team Peninsula!
